What causes bumps and yeast infections on the scalp

Scalp conditions such as a yeast infection on scalp can be uncomfortable and unsightly. Understanding the causes of these issues can help individuals take steps to prevent them. Bumps on scalp for example can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Folliculitis: This condition is caused by a bacterial or fungal infection in the hair follicles, leading to red, swollen bumps on the scalp.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: This is a common skin condition that causes flaky, red skin and itching. Seborrheic dermatitis can also lead to the development of bumps on the scalp.
  • Psoriasis: This is an autoimmune condition that causes red, scaly patches on the skin, including the scalp.
  • Allergic reactions: Allergic reactions to hair products or other allergens can cause red, itchy bumps on the scalp.

Difference between bumps and yeast infections on scalp

Yeast infections on the scalp, also known as scalp ringworm, are caused by a type of fungus called tinea capitis. This fungal infection can cause itchy, scaly patches on the scalp, as well as hair loss. Yeast infections on the scalp are more common in children and can be spread through close contact with infected individuals or by sharing combs, brushes, or other personal items.

It is important to note that while bumps on the scalp can be caused by a variety of factors, yeast infections on the scalp are caused by a specific type of fungus. To prevent scalp conditions, you can follow a healthy scalp routine which is based on keeping the scalp clean, avoiding hair products that contain irritants and using a healthy scalp treatment. For preventing a yeast infection on the scalp, you should also try to avoid sharing personal items such as a comb, brush, or another hair care item. Because this fungus can spread from human-to-human and object-to-human.

It is important to select a treatment method that fits your needs. Without identifying your problem correctly, you cannot get results. Whenever in doubt, do not hesitate to contact your doctor immediately.


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